[Contest] And We Have a Winner!

When we said we were going to announce the winner of the contest over the weekend I couldn’t help but laugh maniacally that it was April 1st. Just how bad of a comic could we make and say was the winner? Then the whole work thing got in the way and here we are. We had a plethora of entries with a particular contestant submitting 13 different ones.

Who then are the winners? The first prize goes to the entry picked by Zampzon, Phil Kahn, 7, Mr. Hian, and myself as our favorite. There were several really good strips ranging from single panel to the multi panel, from gag strips to complex stories. When it came down to the vote there was a tie that was only broken today. So the winner of prize #1 goes to Mike Laidman for this outstanding entry:

We were quite impressed with Mike’s entry but even more impressed that he found our booth at a Con, now if only we could find it as well. Right about now you’re probably talking to yourself wondering about the winner of the second prize. Just like last year each person who submitted an entry gets a chance to be randomly selected as the winner of the second prize. So who is the winner? It looks like you’re going to have to wait for the podcast tomorrow night to find out!


12 thoughts on “[Contest] And We Have a Winner!

  1. If you just use a spray bottle full of water it keeps him from clawing the couch. It\’s what we have to do at the Washington Webtoonists meets when he shows up.

  2. yeah, it\’s clickable, but his server seems to be down (possibly because of all the links he got from here?).

    Though it\’s got me wondering who he was tied with before…

  3. Nice subtle plug Al

    Congrats to Mike! That feminin iPod reminds me of \’Chews\’ candies. Anyone remember those? I think they sell them in bulk stores now.

  4. I won?!? Oh man sweet! Thanks a lot guys. Can\’t wait to dig into those books! And… um… sip.. from that mug. RAWK!

    Good luck to everyone else on the Random Draw!

    And yes Dan\’s right, it is mikesstupidcomics.com. I hope people don\’t really start spraying Phil with windex. I mean Yeah I\’ll laugh at him but… come on.. that\’s just silly.

  5. Actually since we\’re talking about goofy html mistakes, is it just me or did the DS site mutate a while back so that you could only see the archives?
    When I come here the old banner isn\’t here, nor are the links that don\’t coincide to Blog posts (like the old We Love Webcomics section and the \”about us\” page for example).
    Again, it might be something weird with my computer but I figured I\’d mention it since the topic was sorta kinda part of the discussion.

  6. Mad props to you Mike. Very good comic. It was actually Mikes line \”First Digital Strips then … Europe!\” line that secured my vote.

    It was a tough choice though, several really good ones. Great work everyone, thanks for playing.

  7. The link to Mike\’s site has been fixed but in my defense I copied and pasted directly from the email. Of course since I\’m a tester by profession that\’s just the idiot\’s defense. Should have tried the link myself.

    We\’re working on making the images larger in well formatted presentation but for now right click and view image.

    Most of the mistakes on the site have probably been my fault as of lately as I try to transition into taking care of certain things. I\’m not use to this whole HTML thing!

  8. Copied straight from the e-mail??? Then I am the party to blame. Figures when it was the most important time the one who goofs up the address is the guy who owns it. DURRRR. Thanks for the fix though!

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