Interest Piquers News Slam! ~OR~ Busy Week

To paraphrase the world-famous slacker, Ferris Bueller, “The world of webcomics moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once and a while, you could miss it.” With that in mind, I present you the news items submitted to us over the last few days. No particular order, no one story means more than the last. Here we go!

  • The final tally for the Paul Taylor fund-raiser is in and the Blank Label guys managed to raise over $10,770 for the Taylor’s inflated medical bills. The dent this will make is a severe one, but you can still give your support; just check this page and look for Monica with the “Support Wapsi” shirt on the left.
  • As time goes on, more and more entertainment outlets are realizing that webcomics are a great way to connect with the fans and tell the stories their respective timeslots just won’t allow. With this in mind, check out the strips fleshing out the stories of NBC’s Heroes and Comedy Central’s Freak Show and see if you think it’s a viable marketing tool or just a quick cash-in of what other artists may see as a fad.
  • I had to do some digging and I’m not sure why he’s never mentioned it, but I found our own Phil Kahn’s latest webcomic offering, Puppies! Along with his girlfriend, Sarah Holloway, Phil charts the everyday minutia of their life together, taking turns with Sarah on the art chores from week to week. Oh, and there are robots. Can’t go wrong with robots.
  • It’s guest week over at PC Weenies! Stop by to see the first strip by my favorite editor-in-chief and yours, Bill Charbonneau of Zoinks! Magazine, and stay tuned for the rest of the guest strip fun!
  • Not to be outdone or overlooked, Tyson Smith is hosting an entire guest MONTH over at! Click through to see the best and brightest the ‘Net has to offer giving their two cents on the idea of a pirate and an alien befriending one another.
  • According to the news submitted by John Dallaire & Lisa Fary, their webcomic, Intergalactic Law, has been chosen as the Geek Comic of the Week over at Did you know they had such an award? Nope, me neither and I can’t find a single link to back up the story either. The strip is pretty well done thus far, though, so check it out and see if you agree with their decision.
  • And in possibly the biggest, most saddening news of the week, Kazu Kibuishi has announced that updates of Copper will cease until he can finish work on his other current projects, Amulet and Flight Vol. 4. Sure, it’s so he can continue his unquestionable brilliance on even MORE works, but if you’re like me, you’ve already signed up for the e-mail notification (sign up for the mailing list on the right) of when the next Copper will come.

4 thoughts on “Interest Piquers News Slam! ~OR~ Busy Week

  1. The “Geek Comic of the Week” is updated weekly at this address:

    We were last week’s pick. Verification of this can be obtained from Josh Fruhlinger, aka the Comics Curmudgeon, at Or, you can go to this link: to see the lin for yourself.

    Hope this doesn’t come across as weird, or snarky, or defensive, just thought you should have your verification to clear up the implication that we made this whole thing up.

  2. None of the above, John, and I apologize if I came across as implying that you were being anything less than truthful. I just wanted to come up with a link so I could have something to back it up. Thanks for doing so and keep up the great work!

  3. Not a problem…I probably shouldn’t be posting comments after pulling an all-nighter doing the bill-paying “essential” jobs.

    Thanks, by the way, for even including us in your blog…every little bit helps in attracting eyeballs.

  4. Pingback: Digital Strips: The Webcomics Podcast

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