Episode 398: Go Include Yourself (Horizons Watch feat. Frostblight Saga and Parallax)

Vasectomy Madness from Virginia UrologyIt’s madness, y’all! March, that is. After the guys run down all the hot sports scores, it’s time to get down to what they do best: webcomics. There’s talk about Superfogeys coming back soon, Loading Artist becoming a full-time comic, and quick hits on A Small Revolution and Octopus and Bunny. Finally, a Horizons peek at Frostblight Saga and Parallax. At the buzzer … IT’S GOOD!!!


Episode 392: Because They’re Pinecones, You Stupid Hedgehog (Horizons Watch feat. Behind the GIFs and Ultimate Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)

Left Shark as BatmanCelebrate Shark Week like it’s Shark Week because it SHOULD be Shark Week (thanks, Katy Perry)! After a brief Super Bowl recap, we check in with Hypersonic Music Club by Hiroyuki Takahashi and Patrick Macias and Let’s Speak English by Mary Cagle. Then, we dive into a couple of new-ish comics with Kat Swenski’s Behind the GIFs and a new take on a classic; Ultimate Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles by Nick Arganbright and Eryck Webb.

The midshow music is provided by Rob Gasser.


Episode 387: Suck It, Sparks (Horizons Watch feat. Cosmic Scoundrels and Wilde Life)

Character select from Street Fighter II: The World FightersI’m happy with my choice of gaming console! Are you? Steve has been burned and he wants to tell you, the loyal Digital Stripper, about it. After you’ve politely listened to his rant, stay tuned for Boulet’s take on Jurassic Park and Pewfell by Chuck Whelon. Following a short break about all things Pokemon, hear our brief thoughts on Cosmic Scoundrels by Matt Chapman and Andy Suriano and Wilde Life by Pascalle Lepas.

Midshow music provided by Pokemon: The Eevee EP.



Episode 383: Almost Rivendell (Horizons Watch feat. The Din and Expecting To Fly)

Dairy Queen's Blizzard ice cream treatDid YOU go to Blizzcon? Neither did the guys, but it doesn’t stop them from talking about it for a bit! Jason also wraps up his Halloween-inspired picks with Emily Carroll’s When The Darkness Presses. Steve opts for lighter fare with Joe England’s Zebra Girl. Together, they then take a look at the horizons with Karin Rindevall’s The Din and John Allison’s Expecting To Fly. Listen up and take off!

Midshow music provided by Fragman (D.W.A.).


Episode 379: You Can’t Shart Someone Else (Horizons Watch feat. Doctor Magnifico and Square Lake)

Super Smash Bros. for 3DS and Super Smash Bros. for Wii UChoose your character! Will you be a lanky doofus who played video games on his graduation day? Or a hat-wearing dork who lost his scholarship thanks to video games? Whoever you choose, you get perks for Problem Sleuth and Carciphona, plus featured weapons, Doctor Magnifico and Square Lake. Now … SMASH!

The midshow music is provided by Nitro Fun.


Episode 370: This Dungeon IS Like An Office (Horizons Watch feat. Harpy Gee and Rickety Stitch and the Gelatinous Goo)

Patches O'Hoolihan from the movie, DodgeballSweet fancy Moses did it take some doin’ to get this episode to you! Tune in for hard-fought-for opinions on Sister Claire and The Superpower Union and stick around after the break for our cheery outlook on Harpy Gee and Rickety Stitch and the Gelatinous Goo. The wheels came off the wagon, but somehow, we arrived safely.

The midshow break features a chat about Jason’s bathing suit area and music by Adibudi.


Episode 366: This Episode Sponsored By Jimmy Johns (Horizons Watch feat. Eth’s Skin and The Secret Files of Project Black Sky)

Love At First Bite at Jimmy John's!You’re a grand old flag, you’re a high flying flag, and forever in peace may you talk about webcomics! We salute Demon and Springiette before taking on slightly deeper looks at newcomers, Eth’s Skin and The Secret Files of Project Black Sky. These colors don’t run, and neither do we! Unless we’re challenged. Then it’s just dust-shaped clouds of Steve and Jason.

Our midshow break features the track, “Infectious (Original Mix)“, by Tobu.


Episode 360: You Tricked (Illusioned) Me All Night Long (Horizons Watch feat. All Night and The Conjurers)

Mystique from X-Men: The Last Stand (poster in Spanish)What is your favorite X-Men movie? Wrong! With that out of the way, let Steve and Jason inform you about The Eternally Injured Ninja and Junior Scientist Power Hour while also taking a harder look at B. Sabo’s All Night and Brian Anderson’s The Conjurers. We also talk about what tablets/laptops to buy (or not buy) and Kickstarters that are fully funded. Stay up and sit a spell!

Midshow background music (again) provided by “Welcome To My Kastle“, a remix of a sweet Super Mario 64 track by DDRKirby(ISQ) (because apparently Steve doesn’t pay attention to what music I’ve used in the past)


Episode 356: The ONLY Boy and His Duck (Horizons Watch feat. Fowl Language and The Only Living Boy)

Mrs. Doubtfire hangs out with his kids

Jason muses on the possibilities of a Mrs. Doubtfire sequel and massive poop travel emergencies, and Steve admits his shame publicly while giving Jason a new nickname. They also join forces to pick apart Fowl Language and The Only Living Boy. We’ve only been at this for seven years but already we’re getting hot flashes.



Episode 352: Runnin’ With The Devil (Horizons Watch feat. Kill Six Billion Demons and The Outrunners)

Rick and Morty on Cartoon Network's Adult SwimThe guys think you should watch more cartoons, like Archer, Bob’s Burgers, and Rick and Morty. They also want you to read more webcomics! To get you started, check out My Milktoof, Stand Still, Stay Silent, and Super Mario Bros. 2. Steve also brings Kill Six Billion Demons to the Horizons table, while Jason presents The Outrunners. Sit down and join them, won’t you?

The midshow break features “Bande de Degeneres” by Kognitif.
