DS 659: Frankie Fearless

Peter Griffin from Family Guy talks on the local news about what Grinds His Gears

This episode is full of non-standard and more modern ways of reading comics. We check in on Evan Dahm’s first foray into Webtoons with his reposting of Vattu, DC Comics’ first Webtoon in Batman: Wayne Family Adventures, and Scott Kurtz gets a double exposure as we look at his short collaboration on Superman with Karl Kerschl as well as the comic that has temporarily taken the place of PvP, the cathartic Mort. Even after all of that, we still have time to get weird and geeky with Frankie Fearless, available only on Tinyview!


DS 528: Not Rel, Not Sol, YOU’RE NAL

Cut Man from the Mega Man series published by Capcom

It’s possible that The Abominable Charles Christopher, an outstanding, quiet look at the animal world by Karl Kerschl, is back and that’s all Steve needs to believe in good things again. The guys also delve into the magical world of Judy Jong’s Cut Time, where we follow the adventures of Rel, Sol, and Nal. It’s much more exciting than it sounds, trust us.
