DS 622: 2020 Was a Delight (for Webcomics)!

Before greeting 2021 with (mostly) open arms, we look back to an amazing year in webcomics. We remember great works like Realm of Owls, Under the Lion, Extra Fabulous Comics, Ten Earth Shattering Blows, Plum, Live With Yourself, Scurry, Knucklejelly, Urban Animal, Patrik the Vampire, Alice and the Nightmare, Lunar Baboon, and many others. Celebrate with us before we permanently put that garbage fire of a year in the rear view.


DS 587: The Future, Conan?

Sure, we looked at this comic back in episode 562, but maybe that was actually another version of us and this is brand new? We’re back with Shen’s (and Megan McKay’s and Dave Mercier’s) Live With Yourself! and it’s just as fun and insane as we (or our other selves) remembered. Jason really enjoyed getting to know all the characters that Steve had already made friends with months ago. Join them and make these loveable weirdos your friends, too!


DS 562: Doing It Unto With Themselves

This week features a comic with time travel that’s so fun, your nose will bleed! Or your older self might die! But don’t worry, he’ll come back. Shen, with help from Megan McKay and Dave Mercier, brings us Live With Yourself, a Multiplicity-like with heart and zany, doppelganger-infused hijinx that tells the story of Todd and his three friends, himself, himself, and himself. You don’t need more than one of yourself to enjoy this comic, though!
