DS 560: Fantasy Slurs

The world of Ty Dunitz and Jenn Lee’s Rising Sand is desolate, hopeless, and treacherous, fully-realized and under-explored. Follow along with a small but lively group of the survivors of this dangerous land and hear why the art style reminds us of a Don Bluth cartoon and how you might need to give this slow-paced but engaging comic some breathing room in between views.


Digital Strips Episode 467: Dal and Qeb Go To Sand Castle

Skeletor is shockedIt’s the last show before Christmas, and we have more gifts for you! Chris Grine is celebrating Wicked Crispy getting a book deal, and Harry Potter has never been more succinct, or hilarious. Also, the guys take a deeper dive on Rising Sand, one of the most gorgeous comics to ever grace a computer screen.


Digital Strips Episode 466: Lumping Things Into Boxes

Dan and Casey from Sports NightOn the second day of Christmas, Steve and Jason gave to me, so much webcomics stuff you’d think it was already the 12th day! Stuff like a new webcomic team-up from Legendary and Jessica Chobot, a fun video about how maybe NOT to do webcomics, a hiatus for Kris Straub’s Broodhollow, the gorgeous art of Rising Sand, and how Angela Melick has wrapped up Wasted Talent.
